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Prepare for University Interview

Prepare for University Interview: Common Question and Response

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Prepare for University Interview: Common Question and Response

An interview is a chance for you to meet with someone representing the university. It’s an opportunity to express interest in the university, start a relationship with people there, and show what you’re all about. University develop useful questions to prepare for and ask in a university interview. They’re a way for university to find out what type of student you’ll be and what you can bring to the table.

While not all university require interviews as part of their application process, if the universities you’re considering do, understanding what to expect and how to prepare for university interview which can significantly impact your chances for admission.

Common University Interview Questions

Although each interview will have its distinct aspects, you can expect to face a few common questions. Here are some of the ones you’re likely to encounter.

1. Interviewer Questions About a Student’s “Fit” With a University

Sample Questions:

  • Why do you want to attend our university?
  • What can you contribute to our university campus?

Answer Strategy:

  • Research the University: Highlight specific programs, values, or campus culture aspects that resonate with you. Mention any unique opportunities the university offers that align with your goals.
  • Be Specific: Rather than general praise, talk about specific clubs, courses, or aspects of the community that attract you. For example, if the university has a strong environmental studies program and you’re passionate about sustainability, discuss how you’d engage with that program.
  • Contributions: Reflect on your previous experiences and how they align with the university’s culture. If you’re a team leader or have led initiatives in the past, describe how you can bring that leadership and initiative to campus activities.

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2. Interviewer Questions About a Student’s Personality

Sample Questions:

  • What 3 adjectives best describe you?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Answer Strategy:

  • Adjectives: Choose adjectives that you can back up with specific examples. For instance, if you say you’re “adaptable,” share a story about how you adapted to a new situation or challenge.
  • Strengths and Weaknesses: Be honest but strategic. For strengths, focus on qualities that are relevant to the university experience. For weaknesses, choose one that you’re actively working to improve, and explain the steps you’re taking to address it. This shows self-awareness and a growth mindset.

3. Interviewer Questions About Student Activities, Interests, and Goals

Sample Questions:

  • What activities do you find most rewarding?
  • What’s your favourite book?
  • What do you want to do after graduating from university?

Answer Strategy:

  • Activities: Discuss why these activities are meaningful to you and how they have shaped your interests or skills. Be specific about your role and accomplishments.
  • Books: When talking about your favourite book, explain why it resonates with you. This could reveal insights into your values or interests.
  • Goals: Share your aspirations clearly, and connect them to how the university will help you achieve them. For instance, if you’re interested in a particular career path, explain how the university’s resources or network will support your goals.

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4. Unusual University Interview Questions

Sample Questions:

  • If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be and why?
  • What’s your opinion on a current event that’s of interest to you or that you feel passionate about?
  • How would you solve a problem if you were the leader of a team and everyone had a different opinion on how to approach it?

Answer Strategy:

  • Creative Thinking: Show your problem-solving skills or creativity with questions like the thousand dollars one. For example, you could discuss supporting a cause you care about or investing in a community project.
  • Current Events: Pick a current event you’re genuinely interested in and explain your perspective thoughtfully. Avoid controversial or polarizing topics unless you can discuss them diplomatically.
  • Problem Solving: This question assesses your leadership and conflict-resolution abilities. Consider a realistic and constructive approach to resolving differing opinions and reaching a consensus. It’s also an opportunity to demonstrate how you’ve proactively addressed similar issues in the past and guided a team to a successful conclusion.

5. University Interview Tips: Do’s and Don’ts


  • Prepare Unique Answers: Highlight unique achievements or interests related to your degree.
  • Review Materials: Revisit your personal statement and course details to stay informed and anticipate questions.
  • Practice: Conduct mock interviews to refine your responses and get feedback.


  • Ask Basic Questions: Avoid questions easily answered through research. Focus on more complex, insightful queries.
  • Be Late: Ensure punctuality and, for online interviews, check your connection and background beforehand.

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